applied kinesiology, AK, dr. robert frost,muscle testing

Incarnating In a Human Vehicle

We are incarnating in a human vehicle. Many "animal" behaviors come built into this experience. We tend to think that we "are" these behaviors, but in truth, they are part of the human-animal vehicles built in patterns. It is up to us to objectively observe (key 1), remember (key 2) who we are, and lovingly (key 3) guide ourselves into wisely chosen behaviors.

It has taken ages to develop an animal vehicle that has the capacity for incarnation by human consciousness. It is a wonder, not to be demeaned in any way. But the wise learn to recognize the animal vehicle tendencies for what they are instead of defending them as one's own self.

Driving along the coast South from Los Angeles one early Sunday morning, I was thinking of this animal vehicle. I decided to try to talk with it. I said, "Animal vehicle I am living in, it is rather cold and overcast just now, but I do have a swim suit, fins and a towel in the trunk. Do you want to go swimming and body surfing before going home?"

My body began to hop and bop about like a dog when you ask him if he wants to go for a walk!

I laughed and told my animal, "OK, I get the message. Let's go swimming."

Honor your animal vehicle. Get to know what it wants and needs... and fulfill these regularly. You'll be healthier and happier for it.

Dr. Robert Frost